Harmonic Bionics is revolutionizing how robots physically interact with humans through novel design, mechatronics & software.
Upper-body Robotic Exoskeleton
Patent number: US-20160206497-A1
Description: Mechanical design of Harmony exoskeleton that allows for large range of motion and shoulder compatibility
Patent Application Publication (PDF)
Actuator For Physical Therapy
Patent number: US-11147731-B2
Description: Actuator design that allows for safe and efficient human robot interaction particularly for physical therapy
Patent Document: 11147731 (
Actuator for Physical Therapy
Patent number: EP3927496A1
Description: Actuator design that allows for safe and efficient human robot interaction particularly for physical therapy
View Patent Information (Espacenet)
Upper Body Human Machine Interface
Patent number: US-20210315763-A1
Description: Hand interface of Harmony that allows for tight and comfortable connection between the exoskeleton structure and human hand. The design minizes undesired abnormal synergy.
Patent Application Publication (PDF)
Shield Board
Patent number: US-11487692-B2
Description: Electronic boards that allows for high speed communication between multiple actuators and master controller
Patent Document: 11487692 (
Compliant Mechanism for Improving Axial Load Sensing in Robotic Actuators
Patent number: US-11541530-B1
Description: Mechanical design of a compliant mechanism to avoid misalign problem in measuring the load of actuators